Frequently Asked Questions

Merchandise Store – Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where do I go to view/order merchandise? You can view merchandise and place orders at our store site – Only members of a F.A.I.T.H. Rider Chapter can place an order.
  2. Can anyone order from your site? You must have an account to place merchandise orders. You must be a member of a F.A.I.T.H. Rider Chapter to have an account. We do have other limited accounts (state affiliates, state coordinators, etc).
  3. Do you sell to the general public? No, you must be a F.A.I.T.H. Rider to order merchandise.
  4. I can’t get in touch with my merchandise coordinator – what should I do? If you can’t get in touch with your merchandise coordinator or don’t know who the coordinator is for your chapter, please get in touch with me for assistance.
  5. How do I log into the site? Once you have an account, you should use your complete e-mail address to log in. I will initially provide a default password which you may change when you log in.
  6. What should I do if I forget my password? If you forget your password, just send me an e-mail or give me a call. I will be glad to reset it for you. Our system will not let you reset your own password. - UPDATE -  You are now able to change your password from the website.
  7. How do we change the merchandise coordinator for our chapter? If you need to change your account information (merchandise coordinator, etc), just send me an e-mail with the updated information. Please put your chapter’s name on all correspondence.
  8. Can our chapter have multiple accounts? No, we can only set up one account for each chapter.
  9. How do we pay for an order? All orders must be paid (by credit card) when the order is placed.
  10. Can you keep my credit card on file for future orders? No, our system does not store your credit card information. That is more secure for you, and it also allows you to use a different card for each order if necessary.
  11. I have a question regarding an item – what should I do? If you have any questions regarding merchandise, inventory, the online store, etc, just send me an e-mail or give me a call.
  12. How do I contact the National Merchandise Director? E-mail is the easiest way to contact me – [email protected]. You can also give me a call @ 334-798-4166.